OAW-AP1222-RW OmniAccess Stellar AP1220

Mã sản phẩm: OAW-AP1222-RW

Tình trạng: Còn hàng

Thương hiệu: Alcatel-Lucent

OAW-AP1222-RW OmniAccess Stellar AP1220

Hỗ trợ kinh doanh

Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật

Liên hệ nhận giá tốt


Sản Phẩm Chính Hãng 100% Đầy Đủ CO/CQ

Giá Cạnh Tranh Rẻ Nhất Thị Trường

Giao Hàng Trên Toàn Quốc

Hỗ Trợ Kỹ Thuật Chuyên Nghiệp, Nhiệt Tình

Ưu Đãi Lớn Cho Đại Lý Và Dự Án

Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng Trước, Trong và Sau Khi Mua Hàng Tận Tâm.

Thông số kỹ thuật

OmniAccess Stellar Acces Points 1220 Series

Indoor Mid-end Enterprise 802.11ac MU-MIMO AP, Dual-Radio, 11n 2x2:2 + 11ac 4x4:4, 1x GbE, 1x USB, 1x Console, and 4x antenna connectors. Unrestricted Regulatory Domain. These products should be considered as Rest of World products and MUST NOT be used for deployments in the United States, Japan or Israel

  • Deliver enterprise-grade Wi-Fi to high-density client environments in offices, hospitals, schools, retail stores and warehouses
  • Deploy APs securely in a variety of indoor locations such as on walls, in cubicles or on ceilings
  • Ensure your users have network access anywhere on your campus
  • Both OmniVista platforms, OmniVista 2500 and OmniVista Cirrus, embed a visionary controllerless architecture, providing user-friendly workflows for unified access plus an integrated unified policy authentication manager
  • RF management: Radio Dynamic Adjustment (RDA) technology automatically assigns channels and power settings, provides DFS/TPC, and ensures that access points stay clear of all radio frequency interference (RFI) sources to deliver reliable, high-performance wireless LANs
  • Broad selection of antennas, delivering optimal coverage for a variety of deployment scenarios
  • Supports direct DC power and Power over Ethernet (PoE)
  • Secure web-managed (HTTPS) cluster deployment. Operates in cluster architecture by default
  • Zero-touch provisioning (ZTP)

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